Saturday, September 22, 2012

My journey begins

Hello, I won't kid myself saying everyone, because come on, no one's heard of me yet. But I'm hoping to change that. So let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Emma, I'm 23 and I have at this moment a son who is a year and a half old. He's the greatest thing in my life and will most likely be (other than when I have other children) the only thing above my love of books. I enjoy reading paranormal fiction, and young adult books mostly, but I do venture from those genres occasionally. I'm a stay at home mom thanks to my husband. I'm going to warn you I've never reviewed a book before but I can't wait to try. I'm going to warn any underage readers, this is not going to strictly be a young adult site, though I do tend to mostly read those books, I do enjoy smutty books, not that the authors I read are very smutty, but smut is smut.

The reason I'm starting a blog is because my love of reading is tired of being confined to people I try and lend books to. I want to be able to discuss a book that had me head over heels, with someone else who thought the same, even if they didn't , someone to talk to about it right after, not months later when I've finally gotten someone to read it! So here we go!

I am currently reading The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning and I'm enjoying it so far, I've read the other highlanders up to this point and the last one was so good, in my opinion that I started and  finished it in the same day (staying up until 3am to do so).

I hope you enjoyed my introduction and once I finish the book I'm currently reading, I hope you enjoy the review!


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